Apply for a Grant

Current and Upcoming Grants
RIZE awarded $3,750,000 to 18 organizations through its Community-based Opioid Response Efforts (CORE) grant program in August 2024. There will be two additional grant rounds in Fiscal Year 2024-2025 with different eligibility and criteria. The second round of funding focuses on matching municipal settlement funds in cities and towns using best practices to end the overdose crisis, utilizing Care Mass resources, conducting community outreach and needs assessments, and collaborating with others. The application for this round closed on November 15, 2024. Grants will be announced in February 2025. The third round of funding will focus on population-based or program-specific opioid response efforts. More details will be provided at a later date. Sign up for RIZE’s newsletter to stay updated on RIZE’s work and learn about funding opportunities as they become available.
CORE Grant Guidelines
(in English)